A Kubernetes Native Java stack tailored for OpenJDK HotSpot and GraalVM, crafted from the best of breed Java libraries and standards.
Now Available
Quarkus 3.6.3
Quarkus Features
Container First
Quarkus tailors your application for GraalVM and HotSpot. Amazingly fast boot time, incredibly low RSS memory (not just heap size!) offering near instant scale up and high density memory utilization in container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes. We use a technique we call compile time boot.
Unifies imperative and reactive
Combine both the familiar imperative code and the reactive style when developing applications.
Community and Standards
Quarkus provides a cohesive, fun to use, full-stack framework by leveraging a growing list of over fifty best-of-breed libraries that you love and use. All wired on a standard backbone.
The combination of Quarkus and Kubernetes provides an ideal environment for creating scalable, fast, and lightweight applications. Quarkus significantly increases developer productivity with tooling, pre-built integrations, application services, and more.
Developer Joy
A cohesive platform for optimized developer joy with unified configuration and no hassle native executable generation. Zero config, live reload in the blink of an eye and streamlined code for the 80% common usages, flexible for the remainder 20%.
The live coding fast feedback loop was very useful when developing with Quarkus. Although fast startup was nice, it wasn’t critical since our apps are long-running, but during development, as we tweaked our APIs, being able to immediately re-test saved us a ton of development time.
- Lead Developer on the Adoptium Technical Steering Committee
Quarkus offers unequaled performance
Quarkus World Tour 2023
A virtual (and in person where possible) tour of Java User Groups creating a unique hands-on experience with access to Quarkus experts designed to help you get started with Java in a Kubernetes world.
Recent Blog Posts
December 14, 2023 Tags: virtual-threads native
Learn how to containerized applications using virtual threads.
December 13, 2023 Tags: release
We released Quarkus 3.6.3, our third maintenance release for the 3.6 release train.
December 12, 2023 Tags: newsletter
The December edition of the Quarkus Newsletter; curated online stories, articles, and videos about Quarkus.
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