Generate Helm charts manifests with Quarkus Helm
Helm is the most popular package manager that finds, shares, and deploys software built for Kubernetes. To configure Java applications for distribution through Helm, you need to package them as Helm charts containing all the necessary metadata and resource definitions and this can be a very tedious task. The good news is that Quarkus has recently released the new Quarkus Helm extension that will automatically generate all these Helm chart manifests and resources!
Introduction to Helm charts
First of all, let’s introduce how a Helm chart looks like. A Helm chart is a collection of files inside a directory. The following files are mandatory:
: Chart metadata, such as name, version, and developers. -
: Default configuration values for the chart in YAML. -
: A directory containing the list of resources that, in combination withvalues.yaml
, generate the application when the chart is installed. The resources are also specified in YAML.
Find more information about Helm charts in the official Helm documentation.
Getting started with the Quarkus Helm extension
Let’s now see how we can generate the Helm chart of a Quarkus application.
In this example, we’ll create a Quarkus application with the Quarkus Helm and the Quarkus Kubernetes extensions by running the following command:
mvn io.quarkus.platform:quarkus-maven-plugin:2.12.0.Final:create \
-DprojectGroupId=org.acme \
-DprojectArtifactId=helm-quickstart \
-DclassName="org.acme.quickstart.GreetingResource" \
-Dpath="/hello" \
cd helm-quickstart
If you already have your Quarkus project configured, you can add the Helm extension to your project by running the following command in your project base directory:
./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions="helm"
This command will add the following dependency to your pom.xml
And now you can generate the Helm resources using the Maven build command:
./mvnw clean package
Depending on the Quarkus Kubernetes extensions that you are using in your
project, the Helm resources will include some resources or others. Since we
have used the Quarkus Kubernetes extension, the Helm chart resources will be
generated in the target/helm/kubernetes/<chart name>/
The |
Moreover, the Helm resources include the following files in the
target/helm/kubernetes/<chart name>/templates
Instead, if we were using the Quarkus OpenShift extension, the Helm chart
sources would be generated in the target/helm/openshift/<chart name>/
directory and it would include the files buildconfig.yaml
, service.yaml
and imagestream.yaml
Helm use
Let’s see next how to use the previously generated Helm chart.
First, make sure you have installed the Helm command-line interface (CLI) and logged into a Kubernetes cluster.
Then run the following Maven command to generate the Helm artifacts:
./mvnw clean package
And install the generated Helm chart into the cluster:
helm install helm-example ./target/helm/kubernetes/<chart name>
The helm
command waits until the chart is fully installed and the
application is up and running.
You can update your deployment in a couple of ways. The first is via the
command of the Helm CLI. After having made changes to your project
and regenerated the resources, you can upgrade your deployment using the
following command:
helm upgrade helm-example ./target/helm/kubernetes/<chart name>
The second way to update a deployment is through the --set
option of the
helm upgrade command:
helm upgrade helm-example ./target/helm/kubernetes/<chart name> --set app.replicas=1
The app.replicas
option is a parameterized property that is mapped by the
file. We’ll explore this function more in the next section.
Finally, to delete a deployment, enter:
helm uninstall helm-example
Mapping values
Helm allows mapping to set properties of your resources when installing
your chart or after your chart has been installed. For example, suppose your
deployment template in the templates/deployment.yaml
file looks like this:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: example
replicas: {{ }}
You can set the number of replicas to use when installing the chart using
the helm
command, as shown in the previous section:
helm upgrade helm-example ./target/helm/kubernetes/<chart name> --set app.replicas=1
Alternatively, you can set the number of replicas to use in the generated
file, located in the chart’s directory at
target/helm/kubernetes/<chart name>/values.yaml
replicas: 1
So, do I need to manually update the values.yaml
and the template
resources to map these properties? No! The Quarkus Helm extension will
automatically map some preconfigured properties, such as the Kubernetes
replicas or the ingress host. The complete list of preconfigured properties
is in the
Quarkus Helm site documentation.
Let’s try out an example of configuring the replicas using the Quarkus
Kubernetes quarkus.kubernetes.replicas
property. We’ll see how the Quarkus
Helm extension automatically maps it into the generated Helm chart.
First, set 3 replicas in your
Now, the generated Helm values file at target/helm/kubernetes/<chart
will contain the replicas value:
replicas: 3
Also, the deployment template file at target/helm/kubernetes/<chart
will have a reference to this value.
But what if we want to map other properties that are not preconfigured? For
example, given the following deployment template file, I want to map the
value example
that appears in the
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: example ## let's map this value!
# ...
You can configure the Quarkus Helm extension to map any properties that are present in your resources using YAMLPath expressions. To continue with the preceding example, you only need to add the following configuration to your properties:
quarkus.helm.values[0].property=resource (1)
quarkus.helm.values[0] (2)
1 | property is the property name to be set in the generated values.yaml |
2 | paths is a list of YAMLPath expressions that identify the properties you
want to use |
Using the properties just defined, the resulting Helm values file at
target/helm/kubernetes/<chart name>/values.yaml
will now include:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: {{ }} # `resource` comes from the property `quarkus.helm.values[0].property`
# ...
YAMLPath expressions also support more complex scenarios. You can use the expressions to replace properties for a certain resource type, or properties described as a key-value map. You can find all the supported features in here.
Helm profiles
By default, all properties are mapped to the same Helm values.yaml
file. However, the Quarkus Helm extension also supports the generation of
other Helm values files.
For example, let’s say you have two environments: one for testing and another for production. Each environment has a different ingress host that exposes your Kubernetes application. You can configure your application as follows:
# Mapped to `values.yaml` by the preconfigured Ingress decorator
# Overwrite the value of `` to `values-<profile-name>.yaml`:
quarkus.helm.values[0].paths=(kind == Ingress)
## `test` is the profile name.
The ingress host property is preconfigured by the Quarkus Helm extension. So
you will find the my-host
value in the target/helm/kubernetes/<chart
host: my-host
But because you are also using a profile named test
in one of your
properties, the Quarkus Helm extension also generates a
target/helm/kubernetes/<chart name>/values-test.yaml
file with the
host: my-test-host
When installing your chart in the test environment, you can make use of this values file as shown in the following command:
helm install -f ./target/helm/kubernetes/<chart name>/values-test.yaml helm-example ./target/helm/kubernetes/<chart name>