Build Items

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Here you can find a list of Build Items and the extension that provides them:


Class Name Attributes

An additional application archive. This build item can only be consumed, it should not be produced by build steps.

PathCollection path

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A marker file that if present indicates that a given archive should be treated as an application archive.

String file

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Map resources

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Allows extensions to add classes to the index available via . The classes are loaded by the Deployment ClassLoader.

Set classesToIndex

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Build item that will allow the use of JNDI by default.

This should only be provided by extensions that rely on JNDI as a core part of the extension (e.g. if LDAP is a core part of what the extension does).



Create annotation proxies that can be used as parameters.

AnnotationProxyProvider provider

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Indicates that a specific container image should be used to generate the AppCDS file

String containerImage

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If this build item is generated, then it means that there is a recorder step that can be used as a point at which the application loading during AppCDS generation can be stopped safely, therefore allowing Quarkus to not have to stop loading the application in the static init phase which is the default approach for AppCDS generation.



Build item to indicate to the various steps that AppCDS generation has been requested

Path appCDSDir

Directory where various files needed for AppCDS generation will reside


A build item containing the result of the AppCDS generation process

Path appCDS

The file containing the generated AppCDS

ApplicationModel appModel

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ApplicationArchive root

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Collection applicationArchives

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Set allArchives

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String className

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Makes it possible to identify wiring classes generated for classes from additional hot deployment paths.

Predicate predicate

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The Jandex index of the application root.

Index index

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String name

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String version

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A symbolic class that is produced after the startup event has been fired. At this point it should be safe to open sockets and begin processing requests.


Path archiveRoot

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Collection excludedFromIndexing

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PathCollection rootDirs

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PathCollection paths

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Represents a runnable artifact, such as an uberjar or thin jar. Most artifacts will also produce a more specialized build item, to allow them to be consumed by other build steps.

Path path

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String type

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Map metadata

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BuildTimeConfigurationReader.ReadResult readResult

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LaunchMode launchMode

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DevModeType devModeType

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ClassValue suppliers

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The build systems target directory. This is used to produce

Path outputDirectory

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String baseName

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String originalBaseName

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boolean rebuild

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Properties buildSystemProps

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The definition of a constant that can be injected into recorders via their -annotated constructor. Compared to simply passing the value to a recorder proxy, this build item allows for injecting values into recorders without introducing new dependencies from build steps that use the recorder to build steps that create the constant value. This can be useful in complex dependency graphs.

Holder holder

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ObjectLoader objectLoader

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boolean eager

If this is true it means the class should be loaded eagerly by a thread pool in dev mode on multithreaded systems.

Transformation is expensive, so doing it this way can speed up boot time.

String classToTransform

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BiFunction visitorFunction

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BiFunction inputTransformer

Function that can be applied to the input bytes before it is passed into ASM. This should only be used in very specific circumstances. At the moment the only known valid use case is JaCoCo, which needs access to the unmodified class file bytes.

Set requireConstPoolEntry

A set of class names that need to be present in the const pool for the transformation to happen. These need to be in JVM internal format.

The transformation is only applied if at least one of the entries in the const pool is present.

Note that this is an optimisation, and if another transformer is transforming the class anyway then this transformer will always be applied.

boolean cacheable

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int classReaderOptions

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boolean continueOnFailure

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int priority

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Represents a technical capability that can be queried by other extensions.

Build steps can inject - a convenient build item that holds the set of registered capabilities.

An extension may provide multiple capabilities. But only a single provider of a given capability is allowed in an application. If multiple providers of the same capability are detected during the build of an application, the build will fail with the corresponding error message. By default, capabilities are not displayed to users.

Capabilities should follow the naming conventions of Java packages; e.g. . Capabilities provided by core extensions should be listed in the interface and their name should always start with the prefix.

String name

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String provider

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Represents the differences between classes in a dev mode restart. This can be used to avoid repeating work on restart, e.g. re-using old proxy definitions if nothing has changed for a given class. This will not always be present, it must be injected as an optional dependency. This will never be generated if the previous restart was a failure to avoid issues with inconsistent application state.

Map changedClassesNewVersion

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Map changedClassesOldVersion

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Map deletedClasses

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Map addedClasses

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An index of application classes which is built from archives and dependencies that contain a certain marker file. These files include but are not limited to - beans.xml, jandex.idx and config properties. Additional marker files can be declared via . Alternatively, you can index a dependency through . Compared to , this index doesn't contain all CDI-related information. On the other hand, it can contain classes from archives/dependencies that had no CDI component declared within them. The computing index can also be used to index classes on demand, when is called. Note that this is a mutable index as this will add additional information, so in general this Index should only be used if you actually need it.

IndexView index

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IndexView computingIndex

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JavaVersion javaVersion

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Class configClass

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Set types

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Set generatedClasses

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String prefix

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Kind kind

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DotName name

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A build item that is not part of the standard build, but is only used to generate example config files and docs.

String propertyName

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String defaultValue

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String docs

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String valueTypeName

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List allowedValues

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ConfigPhase configPhase

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Class configClass

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String prefix

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Class configClass

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String prefix

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The build item which carries the build time configuration.

BuildTimeConfigurationReader.ReadResult readResult

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The configuration type build item. Every configuration type should be registered using this build item to ensure that the converter is properly loaded in the native image case.

Class valueType

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CommandContainer consoleCommand

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RuntimeValue bannerSupplier

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Build item that signifies that the interactive console is ready. This will not always be present, as the console may not be installed


ContextHandler contextHandler

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ApplicationModel appModel

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Build Item that can be used to queue shutdown tasks that are run when the is closed.

For production applications, this will be at the end of the Maven/Gradle build. For dev mode applications, this will be when dev mode shuts down. For tests, it will generally be at the end of the test run. However, for continuous testing this will be when the outer dev mode process shuts down. For unit style tests, this will usually be the end of the test.

boolean firstRun

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CopyOnWriteArrayList tasks

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QuarkusClassLoader baseCl

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boolean registered

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String commandName

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boolean successful

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List commands

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Way for maven and gradle plugins to discover if any declared extensions support quarkus deploy

String name

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List commands

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String name

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Map labels

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String name

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ContainerInfo containerInfo

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Map configs

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An additional configuration property to set when a dev service sets another, specific configuration property.

Quarkus will make sure the relevant settings are present in both JVM and native modes.

This is used to change the defaults of extension configuration when dev services are in use, for example to enable schema management in the Hibernate ORM extension.

DevServicesAdditionalConfigProvider configProvider

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Collection triggeringKeys

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String key

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String value

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Runnable callbackWhenEnabled

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Build item that contains the final results of all configuration.

Map config

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BuildItem for running dev services. Combines injected configs to the application with container id (if it exists). Processors are expected to return this build item not only when the dev service first starts, but also if a running dev service already exists. helps to manage the lifecycle of the running dev service.

String name

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String containerId

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Map config

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A marker build item that indicates, if any instances are provided during the build, the containers started by DevServices will use a shared network. This is mainly useful in integration tests where the application container needs to be able to communicate with the service containers.


Allows disabling of instrumentation based reload if the changed class matches certain criteria

Predicate predicate

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Allows disabling of instrumentation based reload if the index of changed classes matches certain criteria

Predicate predicate

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IsDockerWorking isDockerWorking

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Boolean cachedStatus

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Contains the IDE to be opened when a request to open a class is made

Ide ide

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Allows for a handler to be registered when exceptions are logged. This is intended for use in dev/test mode to allow Quarkus to help the developer handle the issue.

BiConsumer exceptionHandler

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A build item that allows extension to configure the native-image compiler to effectively ignore certain configuration files in specific jars. The property specifies the name of the jar file or a regular expression that can be used to match multiple jar files. Matching jar files using regular expressions should be done as a last resort. The property specifies the name of the resource file or a regular expression that can be used to match multiple resource files. For the match to work, the resources need to be part of the matched jar file(s) (see ). Matching resource files using regular expressions should be done as a last resort. See for more details.

String jarFile

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String resourceName

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Build item that defines dependencies that should not be indexed. This can be used when a dependency contains a marker file (e.g. META-INF/beans.xml).

String groupId

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String artifactId

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Optional classifier

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Carries a predicate that identifies methods that can have annotations which affect the execution model ( , , ).

Used to detect wrong usage of these annotations, as they are implemented directly by the various frameworks and may only be put on "entrypoint" methods. Placing these annotations on methods that can only be invoked by application code is always wrong.

Predicate predicate

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The main executor for blocking tasks.

ScheduledExecutorService executor

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String extension

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Represents functionality provided by an extension. The name of the feature gets displayed in the log during application bootstrap.

An extension should provide at most one feature. The name must be unique. If multiple extensions register a feature of the same name the build fails.

The name of the feature should only contain lowercase characters, words are separated by dash ; e.g. . Features provided by core extensions should be listed in the enum.

String name

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Forces classes that have been registered for reflection using weak semantics, to revert to normal reflection registration semantics. Essentially if this build item is used for a class that has been registered with , the field of that class is effectively false, no matter what value was supplied when creating

String className

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boolean applicationClass

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String name

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byte[] classData

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String source

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Used when resources generated by the build should not end up in the produced runnable artifact, but in the file system inside the output directory of OutputTargetBuildItem. This is written to the file system for normal and dev mode, but not for test mode.

String name

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byte[] classData

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Marker used only to ensure that the file system resources where properly written in dev mode.



A generated class that is only applicable to native images.

String name

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byte[] classData

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String name

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byte[] data

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boolean excludeFromDevCL

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Identifies a file from a that, if modified, may result in a hot redeployment when in the dev mode.

A file may be identified with an location or a matching predicate. See and . The location may be:

  • a relative OS-agnostic file path where is used as a separator; e.g.
  • an absolute OS-specific file path; e.g.
  • a glob pattern as defined in ; e.g.

If multiple build items match the same file then the final value of is computed as a logical OR of all the values.

String location

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Predicate locationPredicate

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boolean restartNeeded

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A build item that provides the ability to detect if the current thread is an IO thread

IOThreadDetector detector

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Build item that defines dependencies that should be indexed. This can be used when a dependency does not contain a marker file (e.g. META-INF/beans.xml).

String groupId

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String artifactId

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String classifier

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Represents an initialization task for the application. Often extensions perform some sort of initialization as part of the application startup. There are cases where we want to externalize the initialization (e.g. in a pipeline). Often the task is run using the same artifact as the application but using a different command or arguments. In the later case it might be desirable to pass additional environment variables to both the init tasks (to enable init) and the application (to disable the init).

String name

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Optional image

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List command

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List arguments

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Map taskEnvVars

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Map appEnvVars

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boolean sharedEnvironment

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boolean sharedFilesystem

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A symbolic class that represents that an initialization task has been completed. Similar to but focused on initialization tasks (e.g. db migrations etc) that are run during runtime just before the application starts.

The build item is used, so that we can track when all initialization tasks have been completed.

String name

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If present, will force the addition of the flag during native image build



A build item that indicates that a Java package should be exported using '-J--add-exports' option to become visible to native-image

String moduleName

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String packageName

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GraalVM.Version exportSince

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GraalVM.Version exportBefore

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Path path

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Path originalArtifact

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Path libraryDir

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String type

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String classifier

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String path

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List libraryPaths

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Used to register a class for JNI runtime access.

List className

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boolean constructors

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boolean methods

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boolean fields

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JNI access registration fine-grained to single fields for a given class.

String declaringClass

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String name

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JNI access registration fine-grained to single methods for a given class.

String declaringClass

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String name

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String[] params

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Used to register a lambda capturing type in native mode

String className

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LaunchMode launchMode

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Optional devModeType

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boolean auxiliaryApplication

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Optional auxiliaryDevModeType

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boolean test

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marker build item that extensions can use to force legacy jar creation



A build item that can be used to query the live reload state. It can also be used to store context information that is persistent between hot reloads.

boolean liveReload

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Set changedResources

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Map reloadContext

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ClassChangeInformation changeInformation

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Establish the default log level of a log category.

String category

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Level level

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boolean setMinLevelDefault

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Map content

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Declare that a log filter should be applied to the specified loggerName, provided the message starts with messageStart.

LogCleanupFilterElement filterElement

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The log console format build item. Producing this item will cause the logging subsystem to disregard its console logging formatting configuration and use the formatter provided instead. If multiple formatters are enabled at run time, a warning message is printed and only one is used.

RuntimeValue formatterValue

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The log file format build item. Producing this item will cause the logging subsystem to disregard its file logging formatting configuration and use the formatter provided instead. If multiple formatters are enabled at runtime, a warning message is printed and only one is used.

RuntimeValue formatterValue

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A build item for adding additional logging handlers.

RuntimeValue handlerValue

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The syslog format build item. Producing this item will cause the logging subsystem to disregard its syslog logging formatting configuration and use the formatter provided instead. If multiple formatters are enabled at runtime, a warning message is printed and only one is used.

RuntimeValue formatterValue

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BytecodeRecorderImpl bytecodeRecorder

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String generatedStartupContextClassName

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String className

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String path

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MetricsCapability metricsCapability

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A metrics provider will iterate over all MetricsFactory consumers, allowing them to register metrics via bytecode recording

Consumer factoryConsumer

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ExecutionTime executionTime

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A build item for adding additional named logging handlers.

RuntimeValue namedHandlersMap

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boolean allow

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Path path

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GraalVMVersion graalVMVersion

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Set runtimeInitializedClasses

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Set runtimeReinitializedClasses

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Set resourceBundles

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Set proxyDefinitions

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Map nativeImageSystemProperties

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Represents a GraalVM to be passed to native-image through the options.

String qualifiedName

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A build item that represents a definition that will be required in native mode. This definition takes the form of an ordered list of interfaces that this proxy will implement.

List classes

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A build item that indicates that a static resource should be included in the native image

Related build items:

  • Use if you need to add a directory of resources
  • Use to select resource paths by regular expressions or globs

List resources

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Indicates that a resource bundle should be included in the native image

String bundleName

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String moduleName

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A build item that indicates that directory resources should be included in the native image

Related build items:

  • Use if you need to add a single resource
  • Use to select resource paths by regular expressions or globs

String path

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A build item that indicates that a set of resource paths defined by regular expression patterns or globs should be included in the native image.

Globs passed to the methods of the are transformed to regular expressions internally. See for the supported glob syntax.

The patterns are passed to the native image builder using . The same mechanism (and regular expression syntax) is used by 's , and (since GraalVM 20.3.0) command line options.

Related build items:

  • Use if you need to add a single resource
  • Use if you need to add a directory of resources

List excludePatterns

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List includePatterns

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The resolved factory for the native image runner.

Warning: This build item should not be consumed without the use of in the method of because that leads to Quarkus having to resolve the container image runtime unnecessarily.

NativeImageBuildRunner buildRunner

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A build item that indicates that a security provider should be included in the native image using '-H:AdditionalSecurityProviders' option

String securityProvider

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A jar that is build to run the native image

Path path

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Path libraryDir

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A system property that will be set at native image build time

String key

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String value

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A build item that indicates the minimal acceptable JDK version the native-image tool was bundled with.

Runtime.Version minVersion

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String warning

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Used to capture object substitution information for non-serializable classes.

Holder holder

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The location that output artifacts should be created in TODO: should we just create them in temp directories, and leave it up to the integration to move them where they want?

Path outputDirectory

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String baseName

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String originalBaseName

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boolean rebuild

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Properties buildSystemProperties

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Optional includedOptionalDependencies

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Build item that extensions must create to register a package type. This allows for verification that a request package type can actually be produced

String type

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Class to be preloaded in static initialization phase of Quarkus.

String className

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Extension build steps can produce this if preloading classes is enabled.

boolean initialize

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A build item, which indicates that the will not work for processes launched by build steps and instead the build step will have to explicitly stream the newly launched process' STDOUT/STDERR, if the data generated on the STDOUT/STDERR of the launched process needs to be made available


String className

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List closeables

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A build item that represents the raw command line arguments as they were passed to the application. This can be passed directly to bytecode recorders that take a . No filtering is done on these parameters.



Indicates that the given class should be instantiated with the constructor with the most parameters when the object is bytecode recorded. An alternative to for when the objects cannot be annotated

Class clazz

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Used to register a class for reflection in native mode

List className

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boolean methods

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boolean fields

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boolean constructors

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boolean weak

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boolean serialization

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boolean unsafeAllocated

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Used to define a condition to register a class for reflection in native mode only when a specific type is reachable

String className

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String typeReachable

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Used by to determine whether the final fields of the class should be writable (which they aren't by default) If any one of the predicates returns true for a class, then ReflectiveHierarchyStep uses that true value

Predicate predicate

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String declaringClass

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String name

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Attempts to register a complete type hierarchy for reflection.

This is intended to be used to register types that are going to be serialized, e.g. by Jackson or some other JSON mapper.

This will do 'smart discovery' and in addition to registering the type itself it will also attempt to register the following:

- Superclasses - Component types of collections - Types used in bean properties (if method reflection is enabled) - Field types (if field reflection is enabled)

This discovery is applied recursively, so any additional types that are registered will also have their dependencies discovered

Type type

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IndexView index

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Predicate ignoreTypePredicate

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Predicate ignoreFieldPredicate

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Predicate ignoreMethodPredicate

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String source

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boolean serialization

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Predicate predicate

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String declaringClass

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String name

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String[] params

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Represents resources to be removed from a dependency when packaging the application.

ArtifactKey artifact

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Set resources

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String commandName

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List args

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Path workingDirectory

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String startedExpression

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Path logFile

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boolean needsLogfile

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List commands

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Provides a way to register a in RUNTIME.

String builderClassName

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A build item which specifies a configuration default value for run time, which is used to establish a default other than the one given for .

String key

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String value

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A build item that carries all the "fake" run time config objects for use by recorders.

Map objects

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Build Item that can be used to queue shutdown tasks that are run when the runtime application shuts down. This is similar to however it applies to tasks on the 'build' side, so if a processor wants to close something after the application has completed this item lets it do this. This has no effect for production applications, and is only useful in dev/test mode. The main use case for this is for shutting down deployment side test utilities at the end of a test run.

Runnable closeTask

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Marker used by Build Steps that consume runtime configuration to ensure that they run after the runtime config has been set up.



A class that will be initialized at runtime in native mode.

String className

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A package that will be initialized at runtime in native mode.

WARNING: this build item should not be used in Quarkus itself and is only provided to simplify the early stages of external extensions development.

For Quarkus development, please take the time to surgically mark individual classes as runtime initialized.

String packageName

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A class that will be reinitialized at runtime in native mode. This will result in the static initializer running twice.

String className

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Represents a Service Provider registration. When processed, it embeds the service interface descriptor (META-INF/services/...) in the native image and registers the classes returned by for reflection (instantiation only).

String serviceInterface

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List providers

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A symbolic class that represents a service start.

is fired after all services are started.

String name

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A marker build item to make Quarkus set the system property. This system property is used in rare by libraries (Truffle for example) to create their own ClassLoaders. The value of the system property is simply best effort, as there is no way to faithfully represent the Quarkus ClassLoader hierarchies in a system property value.



A build item that can be used to register shutdown tasks in runtime recorders.


ShutdownListener shutdownListener

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Allows extensions to set a default value for enabling SnapStart.

boolean defaultValue

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Marker item to specify that SnapStart is enabled.


Optional enableSslNativeConfig

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BytecodeRecorderImpl bytecodeRecorder

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Provides a way to register a in STATIC INIT.

String builderClassName

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A build item for adding the dev stream log via mutiny.

RuntimeValue handlerValue

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Allows extensions to suppress the runtime warning that Quarkus emits on startup when a non-runtime configuration option is different at runtime than build time. An example usage of this is when a user provides some test value in for a build-time only property and only provides the actual value on the command line when starting Quarkus. In such a case we don't want the value set at build time to be revealed at runtime as it could be sensitive.

String configKey

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Represents a system property that will be set immediately on application startup.

String key

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String value

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This is an optional build item that allows us to track annotations that will define test classes. It is only available during tests.

String annotationClassName

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This is an optional build item that allows us to track additional test classes that will become beans. It is only available during tests.

String testClassName

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This is an optional build item that allows extensions to distinguish test classes from application classes. It is only available during tests.

Predicate predicate

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TestListener listener

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This is an optional build item that represents the current test profile.

It is only available during tests.

String testProfileClassName

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Virtual build item that is used to signify that a step must be run to set up continuous testing


ThreadFactory threadFactory

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The results of applying bytecode transformation to a class. Note that this has also been abused somewhat to also represent removed resources, as the logic is the same, and it avoids having two separate mechanisms that essentially do the same thing.

Map transformedClassesByJar

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Map transformedFilesByJar

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Ignore resources when building an Uber Jar

String path

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Merge duplicate resources from multiple JARs when building an Uber Jar

String path

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marker build item that extensions can use to force uber jar creation


String declaringClass

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String fieldName

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Native-image might not be supported for a particular extension on a given OS or architecture.

Os os

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String error

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A marker build item that is used to indicate that UPX compression was performed



A build item for adding the dev stream log.

RuntimeValue handlerValue

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Agroal - SPI

Class Name Attributes

A build item for JDBC datasources.

If you inject this build item when recording runtime init template calls, you are guaranteed the datasources configuration has been injected and datasources can be created.

String name

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String dbKind

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Optional dbVersion

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boolean transactionIntegrationEnabled

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boolean isDefault

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A build item which can be used to order build processors which need a datasource's schema to be ready (which really means that the tables have been created and any migration run on them) for processing.

Collection datasourceNames

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Register a JDBC driver for the Agroal extension.

It allows to resolve automatically the driver from the kind, thus users don't have to set the driver anymore, except if they want to use a specific one.

String dbKind

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String driverClass

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Optional xaDriverClass

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String databaseName

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Supplier sqlSupplier

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Marker build item that indicates that the OpenTelemetry extension has been initialized.


Amazon Lambda

Class Name Attributes
String handlerClass

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String name

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boolean streamHandler

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Amazon Lambda - Common Deployment

Class Name Attributes
Supplier server

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Handler provided by another extension i.e. AWS Lambda HTTP

Class handlerClass

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String provider

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Class Name Attributes

This build item is used to specify one or more additional bean classes to be analyzed during bean discovery.

By default, the resulting beans may be removed if they are considered unused and is enabled. You can change the default behavior by setting the to and via .

An additional bean may have the scope defaulted via and . The default scope is only used if there is no scope declared on the bean class. The default scope should be used in cases where a bean class source is not controlled by the extension and the scope annotation cannot be declared directly on the class.

Generated Classes

This build item should never be produced for a generated class - and should be used instead.

List beanClasses

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boolean removable

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DotName defaultScope

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Make it possible to add, remove or alter annotations on various components. The provided transformer uses to limit the scope of transformer to classes, fields, methods, method params or a combination of those. These metadata changes are not stored in Jandex directly (Jandex is immutable) but instead in an abstraction layer. Users/extensions can access to view the updated annotation model. NOTE: Extensions that operate purely on Jandex index analysis won't be able to see any changes made via !

AnnotationsTransformer transformer

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DevBeanInfos beanInfos

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This build item can be used to turn a class that is not annotated with a CDI scope annotation into a bean, i.e. the default scope annotation is added automatically if all conditions are met.

MatchPredicate matchPredicate

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boolean containerServicesRequired

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DotName defaultScope

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boolean unremovable

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String reason

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int priority

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BiConsumer scopeAlreadyAdded

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This build item can be used to define annotations that will turn a non-static field into an injection point even if no is declared.

List annotationNames

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Represent a Jandex on the whole deployment that has a complete CDI-related information. As such, this index should be used for any CDI-oriented work. Compared to this index can contain additional classes that were indexed while bean discovery was in progress.

IndexView index

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IndexView immutableIndex

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Set generatedClassNames

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By default, only explicit/implicit bean archives (as defined by the spec) are considered during the bean discovery. However, extensions can register a logic to identify additional bean archives.

Predicate predicate

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A build item that represents the fully initialized CDI bean container. This item is produced as the last step of the ArC bootstrap process.

BeanContainer value

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Build item that registers a listener which gets notified as soon as the CDI bean container is initialized. This is a convenient way to get access to beans and configure them as soon as the container is started. An instance of the running is provided to the listener.

BeanContainerListener beanContainerListener

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This build item is used to specify additional bean defining annotations. See also 2.5.1. Bean defining annotations.

By default, the resulting beans must not be removed even if they are considered unused and is enabled.

DotName name

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DotName defaultScope

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boolean removable

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Consumers of this build item can easily inspect all class-based beans, observers and injection points registered in the application. Synthetic beans and observers are not included. If you need to consider synthetic components as well use the instead.

Additionally, the bean resolver can be used to apply the type-safe resolution rules, e.g. to find out whether there is a bean that would satisfy certain combination of required type and qualifiers.



Bean registration phase can be used to register synthetic beans.

An extension that needs to produce other build items during the "bean registration" phase should use this build item. The build step should produce a or at least inject a for this build item, otherwise it could be ignored or processed at the wrong time, e.g. after .

BeanProcessor beanProcessor

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RegistrationContext context

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ExtensionsEntryPoint entrypoint

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A type of build item that contains only declaring classes, methods and fields that have been annotated with unsuccessful build time conditions. It aims to be used to manage the exclusion of the annotations thanks to the build time conditions also known as , , and

Set excludedDeclaringClasses

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Set excludedMethods

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Set excludedFields

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AnnotationTarget target

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boolean enabled

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This build item hold the "final" predicate that is used to distinguish application classes from framework/library classes.

Predicate applicationClassPredicate

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Represents a mandatory config property that needs to be validated at runtime.

String propertyName

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Type propertyType

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String defaultValue

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Context registration phase can be used to register custom CDI contexts.

An extension that needs to produce other build items during the "context registration" phase should use this build item. The build step should produce a or at least inject a for this build item, otherwise it could be ignored or processed at the wrong time, e.g. after .

Typical workflow involves obtaining a via . Note that there is no need to invoke once you are done as it is performed automatically.

BeanProcessor beanProcessor

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ContextRegistrar.RegistrationContext context

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An extension can provide a custom .

RuntimeValue factory

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Holds information about all known custom scopes in the deployment and has utility methods allowing to check whether given class has some scope annotation.

Set customScopeNames

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An extension that registers a custom CDI context via should produce this build item in order to contribute the custom scope annotation name to the set of bean defining annotations.

DotName annotationName

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This build item is used to specify types to be excluded from discovery.

An element value can be:

  • a fully qualified class name, i.e.
  • a simple class name as defined by , i.e.
  • a package name with suffix , i.e. , matches a package
  • a package name with suffix , i.e. , matches a package that starts with the value
If any element value matches a discovered type then the type is excluded from discovery, i.e. no beans and observer methods are created from this type.

String match

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A generated CDI bean. If this is produced then a should not be produced for the same class, as Arc will take care of this.

String name

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byte[] data

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String source

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Allows extensions to programmatically exclude certain packages from split package detection which is executed by . Extensions are encouraged to solve split package issues and this build item should be used primarily as temporary workaround.

A package string representation can be:

  • a full name of the package, i.e.
  • a package name with suffix , i.e. , which matches a package that starts with provided value
Collection excludedPackages

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Make it possible to programmatically modify qualifiers on an injection point.

InjectionPointsTransformer transformer

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MethodInfo method

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List interceptors

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Set bindings

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String hash

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Marker build item to signal that bytecode transformers used for static method interception were registered.

ASM class visitors produced by transformers registered by consumers of this build item will be run before visitors used for static method interception.



Makes it possible to register annotations that should be considered interceptor bindings but are not annotated with .

InterceptorBindingRegistrar registrar

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Holds a reference to the interceptor resolver.

InterceptorResolver resolver

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Set interceptorBindings

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BeanDeployment beanDeployment

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Marks a bean archive with given coordinates (groupId, artifactId and optionally classifier) as known compatible with Quarkus. This is only useful for bean archives whose defines a bean discovery mode of ; bean archives with discovery mode of or are always compatible. If a bean archive is known to be compatible with Quarkus, no warning about discovery is logged during application build.

String groupId

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String artifactId

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String classifier

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An extension that needs to produce other build items during the "synthetic observer registration" phase should use this build item. The build step should produce a or at least inject a for this build item, otherwise it could be ignored or processed at the wrong time, e.g. after .

BeanProcessor beanProcessor

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RegistrationContext context

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This build item is used to register an instance.

ObserverTransformer transformer

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A build item that represents the fully initialized CDI bean container. This item is produced immediately before in order to give recorders the chance to do something immediately before real recording steps come into play.

BeanContainer value

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Makes it possible to register annotations that should be considered qualifiers but are not annotated with .

QualifierRegistrar registrar

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This build item instructs ArC to produce a for a client proxy and intercepted subclass generated for the given bean class.

DotName className

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It's made public so that you can make use of the abstraction. e.g. if you need to do a similar inspection over and

Collection beans

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Collection injectionPoints

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Collection observers

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BeanResolver beanResolver

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This build item is used to specify resource annotations that makes it possible to resolve non-CDI injection points, such as Java EE resources.

DotName name

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Makes it possible to register annotations that should be considered stereotypes but are not annotated with .

StereotypeRegistrar registrar

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Consumers of this build item can easily inspect all beans, observers and injection points registered in the application. Synthetic beans and observers are included. If interested in class-based components only you can use the instead.

Additionally, the bean resolver can be used to apply the type-safe resolution rules, e.g. to find out whether there is a bean that would satisfy certain combination of required type and qualifiers.



Makes it possible to register a synthetic bean.

Bean instances can be easily produced through a recorder and set via , , and .

ExtendedBeanConfigurator configurator

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This build item should be consumed by build steps that require RUNTIME_INIT synthetic beans to be initialized.



Makes it possible to query transformed annotations for a given annotation target.

BeanDeployment beanDeployment

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This build item is used to exclude beans that would be normally removed if the config property is set to true.

Consider using one of the convenient static factory methods such as :

 @BuildStep UnremovableBeanBuildItem unremovable() { // Any bean that has MyService in its set of bean types is considered unremovable return UnremovableBeanBuildItem.beanTypes(MyService.class);
Alternatively, you could make use of the pre-built predicate classes such as :
 @BuildStep UnremovableBeanBuildItem unremovable() { // A bean whose bean class FQCN is equal to org.acme.MyService is considered unremovable return new UnremovableBeanBuildItem(new BeanClassNameExclusion("org.acme.MyService"));

Predicate predicate

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Set classNames

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Validation phase can be used to validate the deployment.

An extension that needs to produce other build items during the "validation" phase should use this build item. The build step should produce a or at least inject a for this build item, otherwise it could be ignored or processed at the wrong time, e.g. after .

BeanProcessor beanProcessor

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BeanDeploymentValidator.ValidationContext context

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Azure Functions

Class Name Attributes
String functionName

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Class declaring

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Method method

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String appName

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Class Name Attributes

This build item is used to pass the full list of cache names from the validation step to the recording step.

Set names

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Cache - SPI

Class Name Attributes

Build item used to ensure that a cache of the specified name is created at runtime.

This is used in order to create caches when means other than the standard cache annotations are used.

String name

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A build item that makes sure a is available at runtime for consideration as the cache backend

CacheManagerInfo info

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A build item that can be used by extensions to determine what kind of cache backend is configured. This is useful for cases where caching extensions specific data does not make sense for remote cache backends

Type type

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Container Image - SPI

Class Name Attributes
String name

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String image

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A that represents eligible container image builders. Some extension have a dependency on external services (e.g. openshift and s2i). So, the presence of the extension alone is not enough to let the build system know that extension is usable. This build item is produced only when all environment requirements are met.

String builder

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This can be used to override the default image name. It can be used in cases where the name of the image is customized externally. Example: The openshift extension may override the name. To ensure that things are in sync with the image name needs to be set.

String name

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Optional registry

The container registry to use

Optional username

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Optional password

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String imagePrefix

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String repository

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String tag

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Set additionalTags

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A label to be added to the built container image This will only have an effect if the extension building the container image supports adding custom labels (like the Jib extension)

String name

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String value

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String registry

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There are cases where a single segment image (an image without group) is preferred. This build item is used to express this preferrence.



Class Name Attributes

A build item that represents the "quarkus.datasource.db-kind" value. This is generated by specific extensions that are meant to take away the burden of configuring anything datasource related from the user.

String dbKind

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Class callerClass

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String scope

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A handler that can map an automatic datasource to the relevant config properties.

String dbKind

The type of database this is for

BiFunction configProviderFunction

The function that provides the runtime config given a running DevServices database

Predicate checkConfiguredFunction

Function that checks if a given datasource has been configured. If it has been configured generally the DevServices will not be started.


A provider that knows how to start a database of a specific type.

String database

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DevServicesDatasourceProvider devDBProvider

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Map dataSources

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Elasticsearch REST client common

Class Name Attributes
String hostsConfigProperty

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String version

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Distribution distribution

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Elytron Security

Class Name Attributes



This represents a instance output by a build step.

RuntimeValue securityDomain

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A build item for the runtime values created for the deployment. These are combined into a single by the .

RuntimeValue realm

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String name

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Runnable runtimeLoadTask

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Funqy Server Common

Class Name Attributes
String className

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String methodName

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String descriptor

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String functionName

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Class Name Attributes
String interceptorClass

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DotName serviceClass

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List blockingMethods

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List virtualMethods

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ClassInfo generatedBean

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ClassInfo userDefinedBean

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String clientName

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Set clients

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Hibernate ORM

Class Name Attributes
String integrationName

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String persistenceUnitName

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HibernateOrmIntegrationRuntimeInitListener initListener

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String integrationName

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String persistenceUnitName

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HibernateOrmIntegrationStaticInitListener initListener

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boolean xmlMappingRequired

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Quarkus attempts to automatically define a persistence unit when the Hibernate ORM extension is enabled, a default datasource is defined, and there are mapped entities. This build item represents the decision about creating such an implied persistence unit; it's modelled as a BuildItem so that other extensions can be aware of such a persistence unit being defined (e.g. Hibernate Reactive needs to know).

boolean shouldGenerateOne

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Internal model to represent which objects are likely needing enhancement via HibernateEntityEnhancer.

Set allModelPackageNames

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Set entityClassNames

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Set managedClassNames

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Set potentialCdiBeanClassNames

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Set allModelClassNames

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Map xmlMappingsByPU

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Provides the Jandex index of the application, combined with the index of additional JPA components that might have been generated.

CompositeIndex index

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Provides configuration specific to a persistence unit and necessary to build the JPA model.

String persistenceUnitName

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URL persistenceUnitRootURL

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Set explicitlyListedClassNames

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Set explicitlyListedMappingFiles

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Internal model to hold the mapping linking a JPA entity to its corresponding persistence units.

Map entityToPersistenceUnits

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Indicates that the Hibernate ORM persistence units have been started.



Not to be confused with PersistenceXmlDescriptorBuildItem, which holds items of the same type. This build item represents a later phase, and might include the implicit configuration definitions that are automatically defined by Quarkus.

ParsedPersistenceXmlDescriptor descriptor

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String configurationName

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RecordedConfig config

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String multiTenancySchemaDataSource

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List xmlMappings

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boolean isReactive

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boolean fromPersistenceXml

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Provides instances of , the raw representation of a persistence.xml file as it is after being located and parsed. Exposed as a possible integration API: other extensions can produce additional configuration instances.

ParsedPersistenceXmlDescriptor descriptor

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Hibernate ORM - SPI

Class Name Attributes

Additional Jpa model class that we need to index

String className

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An Hibernate Dialect associated with a database kind.

String dbKind

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String dialect

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Optional defaultDatabaseProductVersion

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Hibernate ORM with Panache

Class Name Attributes

Used to record that a specific JPA entity is associated with a specific persistence unit

String entityClass

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String persistenceUnitName

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ClassInfo entityClass

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Hibernate Reactive with Panache

Class Name Attributes
ClassInfo entityClass

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Hibernate Search - ORM + Elasticsearch

Class Name Attributes
String persistenceUnitName

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HibernateSearchElasticsearchBuildTimeConfigPersistenceUnit buildTimeConfig

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Set backendNamesForIndexedEntities

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Map backendAndIndexNamesForSearchExtensions

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String integrationName

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String persistenceUnitName

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HibernateOrmIntegrationRuntimeInitListener initListener

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String integrationName

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String persistenceUnitName

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HibernateOrmIntegrationStaticInitListener initListener

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boolean xmlMappingRequired

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Hibernate Validator - SPI

Class Name Attributes

BuildItem used to publish the list of detected Bean Validation annotations for consumption by other extensions.

DotName valid

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Set constraints

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Set all

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Infinispan - Client

Class Name Attributes

Provide the Infinispan clients as RuntimeValue's.

RuntimeValue client

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String name

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String name

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Map properties

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Properties properties

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Map marshallers

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Info - SPI

Class Name Attributes

Allows for extensions to include their own implementations that result in inclusion of properties in the info endpoint

InfoContributor infoContributor

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Allows for extensions to include their properties into the info endpoint

String name

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Map value

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Class Name Attributes

Used when an extension needs to inform the Jackson extension that a class should not be registered for reflection even if it annotated with @JsonDeserialize

List dotNames

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Jackson - SPI

Class Name Attributes

BuildItem used to signal that some Jackson module has been detected on the classpath The modules are then registered with the ObjectMapper. Note: Modules are assumed to have a default constructor

String moduleClassName

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BuildItem used to create a Jackson SimpleModule for the purpose of registering serializers and deserializers Serializers and deserializers MUST contain a public no-args constructor

String name

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Collection items

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Jakarta REST Client Reactive

Class Name Attributes
JaxrsClientReactiveEnricher enricher

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String defaultMediaType

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int priority

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String defaultMediaType

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int priority

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Class Name Attributes
List annotationClasses

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Class Name Attributes

List of classes to be bound in the JAXB context. Aggregates all classes passed via . All class names excluded via are not present in this list.

List classes

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List of class names to be bound in the JAXB context. Note that some of the class names can be removed via .

List classes

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A location that should be scanned for jaxb.index files

String fileRoot

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Class Name Attributes

A build item that can be used to wrap the JMS ConnectionFactory

Function wrapper

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Class Name Attributes

BuildItem used to register a custom JsonbDeserializer with the default Jsonb bean Serializers and deserializers MUST contain a public no-args constructor

Collection deserializerClassNames

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BuildItem used to register a custom JsonbSerializer with the default Jsonb bean Serializers and deserializers MUST contain a public no-args constructor

Collection serializerClassNames

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Kubernetes - SPI

Class Name Attributes

A build item that wraps around ConfigurationSupplier objects. The purpose of those build items is influence the configuration that will be feed to the generator process.

Object configurationSupplier

The configuration supplier


A build item that wraps around Configurator objects. The purpose of those build items is influence the configuration that will be feed to the generator process. ConfigurationRegistry are similar to decorators, but are applied to configuration instead of generated resources.

Object configurator

The configurator


Build item that allows us to supply a custom project root instead of allowing dekorate to figure out the project root based on its own rules

Path root

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A build item that wraps around Decorator objects. The purpose of those build items is to perform modification on the generated resources.

String group

The group the decorator will be applied to.

Object decorator

The decorator


Produce this build item to expose the Dekorate project and Dekorate session.

Object project

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Object session

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List generatedFiles

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Represents a resource generated by the quarkus-kubernetes extension

String name

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byte[] content

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String key

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String value

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String target

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Produce this build item to request the Kubernetes extension to generate a Kubernetes resource.

String name

Name of the generated resource.

List rules

The resources for this .

String target

The target manifest that should include this role.

List command

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List args

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String kind

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Used to control which Kubernetes targets have their files generated and which get deployed Since these can be generated by various locations, code that needs the "final" set of items, should use the method to get a new list with merged items. Furthermore, if priorities need to be taken into account, the merged list should also be sorted

String name

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String kind

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String group

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String version

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int priority

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boolean enabled

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DeployStrategy deployStrategy

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String name

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String value

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String configmap

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String secret

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String field

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EnvType type

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String target

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boolean oldStyle

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String path

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String path

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String path

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A Built item for generating init containers. The generated container will have the specified fields and may optionally inherit env vars and volumes from the app container. Env vars specified through this build item, will take precedence over inherited ones.

String name

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String target

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String image

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List command

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List arguments

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Map envVars

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boolean sharedEnvironment

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boolean sharedFilesystem

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A Built item for generating init containers. The generated container will have the specified fields and may optionally inherit env vars and volumes from the app container. Env vars specified through this build item, will take precedence over inherited ones.

String name

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String target

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String image

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List command

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List arguments

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Map envVars

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boolean sharedEnvironment

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boolean sharedFilesystem

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String key

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String value

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String target

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A build item that extension can use to mark a specific resource definition as optional. An optional resource, when fails to get deployed, will not cause the entire deployment process to fail, but will log a warning instead.

String apiVersion

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String kind

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Contains the effective output directory where to find the generated kubernetes resources.

Path outputDirectory

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int port

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String name

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boolean enabled

Indicates when the port is enabled vs simply configured. For example the presence `quarkus.http.ssl-port` also is not enought to tell us if enabled. Still, we need to communicate its value and let `quarkus-kubernetes` extension decide.

Optional source

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A build item for selecting which port to use for probes using an action.

String name

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String scheme

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String target

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String group

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String version

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String kind

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String name

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Produce this build item to request the Kubernetes extension to generate a Kubernetes resource. The configuration here is limited; in particular, you can't specify subjects of the role binding. The role will always be bound to the application's service account.

Note that this can't be used to generate a .

String name

Name of the generated resource. Can be , in which case the resource name is autogenerated.

RoleRef roleRef

RoleRef configuration.

String target

The target manifest that should include this role.

Subject[] subjects

The target subjects.

Map labels

The labels of the cluster role resource.


Produce this build item to request the Kubernetes extension to generate a Kubernetes resource.

Note that this can't be used to generate a .

String name

Name of the generated resource.

String namespace

Namespace of the generated resource.

List rules

The resources for this .

String target

The target manifest that should include this role.


Produce this build item to request the Kubernetes extension to generate a Kubernetes resource.

String name

Name of the generated resource.

String namespace

Namespace of the generated resource.

Map labels

Labels of the generated resource.

boolean useAsDefault

If true, this service account will be used in the generated Deployment resources.

Kubernetes - Vanilla

Class Name Attributes
List entriesSortedByPriority

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A build item that is used to prevent the Kubernetes processing from requesting a container image push request. This is useful for cases where the kubernetes cluster is local and the container image is built directly into a context (i.e. a docker daemon) which the cluster has access to.


DeploymentTargetEntry entry

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Kubernetes Client - SPI

Class Name Attributes
Config config

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HttpClient.Factory httpClientFactory

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boolean generateRbac

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String[] resourceClasses

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Kubernetes Service Binding - SPI

Class Name Attributes

Build item that describes a service that the application needs to bind to. The qualifier does not encapsulate the target service coordinates, but information that given the right context can be mapped to coordinates.

String id

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String kind

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String name

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Build item that describes a kubernetes resource that the application needs to bind to.

String binding

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String apiVersion

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String kind

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String name

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Class Name Attributes
Class clazz

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String name

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String path

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RuntimeValue value

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MongoDB Client

Class Name Attributes

Register additional BsonDiscriminator's for the MongoDB clients.

List bsonDiscriminatorClassNames

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Register additional s for the MongoDB clients.

List codecProviderClassNames

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Register additional s for the MongoDB clients.

List commandListenerClassNames

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Provide the MongoDB clients as RuntimeValue's.

RuntimeValue client

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RuntimeValue reactive

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String name

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String name

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boolean addQualifier

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Supplier connectionPoolListener

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If generated, all the Mongo clients need to be unremovable



Register additional s for the MongoDB clients.

List propertyCodecProviderClassNames

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MongoDB with Panache - Common Deployment

Class Name Attributes
ClassInfo entityClass

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Narayana JTA

Class Name Attributes

Marker build item that indicates that the Narayana JTA extension has been initialized.



Class Name Attributes

Provides suppliers that return EventLoopGroup used by the application. See EventLoopSupplierBuildItem to register custom EventLoopGroup

Supplier bossEventLoopGroup

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Supplier mainEventLoopGroup

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Register EventLoopGroup suppliers to be used to produce main EventLoopGroup and boss EventLoopGroup annotated beans. If not provided, both will be created from a default supplier. See EventLoopGroupBuildItem for actual supplier instances

Supplier mainSupplier

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Supplier bossSupplier

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Build item to specify the minimal required `io.netty.allocator.maxOrder`. Quarkus by default uses `maxOrder == 1`. Extensions that require a larger value can use this build item to specify it.

int maxOrder

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OpenID Connect Adapter

Class Name Attributes
Map config

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Map properties

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boolean containerRestarted

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Marker build item which indicates that Dev Services for OIDC are provided by another extension. Dev Services for Keycloak will be disabled if this item is detected.


OpenID Connect Client

Class Name Attributes

Contains non-default names of OIDC Clients.

Set oidcClientNames

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OpenID Connect Client Filter

Class Name Attributes

Contains a list of all Rest clients annotated with @OidcClientFilter("someClientName").

Set namedFilterClientClasses

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Class Name Attributes
List dropNames

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List dropNames

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Build item to be used by Quarkiverse exporters to register themselves as an external exporter.

String exporterName

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Panache - Common

Class Name Attributes

Build item to indicate that those classes are Panache-enhanced and will get getters/setters generated for public fields, even if they're not visible in the index.

Set entityClasses

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Build item to declare that a should be used on Panache-enhanced methods.

PanacheMethodCustomizer methodCustomizer

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Panache - Hibernate - Common

Class Name Attributes

Purely marker build item so that you can register enhancers after Hibernate registers its enhancers, which would make your enhancers run before the Hibernate enhancers


MetamodelInfo metamodelInfo

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Set managedClassNames

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Class Name Attributes
CheckedTemplateAdapter adapter

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Represents a method of a class annotated with or a Java record that implements .

String templateId

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String fragmentId

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Map bindings

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boolean requireTypeSafeExpressions

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MethodInfo method

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ClassInfo recordClass

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List of template locations in form of RegEx located by custom locators that must not be validated as custom locators are not available at build time.

Collection locationPatterns

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String className

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String className

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This build item can be used to register an implicit value resolver for the specified class. It is also possible to specify the synthetic .

If the specified class is also annotated with the build item is ignored.

If multiple build items are produced for one class and the synthetic template data is not equal the build fails.

ClassInfo clazz

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AnnotationInstance templateData

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String expression

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String property

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String clazz

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Origin origin

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String reason

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String name

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ClassInfo defaultBundleInterface

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Map localizedInterfaces

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Map localizedFiles

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Map mergeCandidates

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String defaultLocale

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Represents a message bundle method.

Note that templates that contain no expressions don't need to be validated.

String bundleName

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String key

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String templateId

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MethodInfo method

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String template

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boolean isDefaultBundle

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ClassInfo targetClass

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String namespace

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String[] ignore

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Pattern[] ignorePatterns

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boolean ignoreSuperclasses

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boolean properties

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AnnotationInstance annotationInstance

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Represents a template extension method.

MethodInfo method

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String matchName

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List matchNames

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String matchRegex

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Pattern matchPattern

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Type matchType

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int priority

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String namespace

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Parameters params

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Holds all template file paths, including the versions without suffixes configured via .

For example, for the template the set will contain and .

Set filePaths

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Represents a global variable field/method.

String name

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AnnotationTarget target

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Type variableType

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String path

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Path fullPath

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String content

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This build item represents a source of template files.

By default, the templates are found in the directory. However, an extension can produce this build item to register an additional root path.

The path is relative to the artifact/project root and OS-agnostic, i.e. is used as a path separator.

String path

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The set of template root paths.

Set rootPaths

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Holds all template variants found.

Map variants

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Represents the result of analysis of all templates.

List analysis

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Makes it possible to intentionally ignore some parts of an expression when performing type-safe validation.

Predicate predicate

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boolean extensionMethodPredicate

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Reactive DB2 Client

Class Name Attributes
String dataSourceName

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Function db2Pool

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Reactive Microsoft SQL Server Client

Class Name Attributes
String dataSourceName

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Function mssqlPool

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Reactive MySQL Client

Class Name Attributes
String dataSourceName

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Function mysqlPool

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Reactive Oracle Client

Class Name Attributes
String dataSourceName

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Function oraclePool

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Reactive PostgreSQL Client

Class Name Attributes
String dataSourceName

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Function pgPool

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Reactive Routes

Class Name Attributes
BeanInfo bean

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AnnotationInstance routeFilter

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MethodInfo method

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BeanInfo bean

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List routes

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AnnotationInstance routeBase

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MethodInfo method

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boolean blocking

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HttpCompression compression

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boolean alwaysAuthenticateRoute

If true, always attempt to authenticate user right before the body handler is run

Redis Client

Class Name Attributes
RuntimeValue metrics

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Request the creation of the Redis client with the given name.

String name

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REST data with Panache

Class Name Attributes
ClassInfo classInfo

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Type entityType

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String resourceType

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ResourceProperties resourceProperties

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ResourceMetadata resourceMetadata

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RESTEasy Classic - Common

Class Name Attributes
Set providers

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Set contributedProviders

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Set annotatedProviders

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boolean useBuiltIn

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Used to mark a class as a potential REST client interface consumed by the MicroProfile REST client.

Useful when you want to apply different behaviors to REST resources and REST clients.

String interfaceName

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Gives access to the configured Can also be used as a marker indicating the RESTEasy injection has been properly set up

RuntimeValue injectorFactory

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RESTEasy Classic - Common - SPI

Class Name Attributes
boolean jsonDefault

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A build item that represents a JAX-RS provider class.

String name

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RESTEasy Classic - Server common

Class Name Attributes
String rootPath

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ResteasyDeployment deployment

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A build item that is meant to customize the RESTEasy Deployment before it has been finalized This gives extensions to ability to add stuff to the Deployment

Consumer consumer

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A build item that represents the configuration of the RESTEasy server.

String rootPath

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String path

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Map initParameters

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A build item that represents a path mapping from web.xml

String path

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RESTEasy Classic - Server common - SPI

Class Name Attributes
DotName annotationClass

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The package prefix of any annotations that have to be compatible with JaxRs resource class to allow constructor injection.

String prefix

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A build item that represents a JAX-RS config.

String rootPath

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String defaultPath

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RESTEasy Classic’s REST Client

Class Name Attributes

Used to mark a custom annotation and its associated JAX-RS client provider

DotName annotationName

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Class providerClass

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Register provider against every Rest client matching predicate.

String providerClass

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Predicate matcher

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RESTEasy Reactive

Class Name Attributes
ContextResolvers contextResolvers

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RequestContextFactory factory

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RuntimeValue deployment

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String applicationPath

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DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo

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Provides a list of entries for each JAX-RS Resource Methods created during the indexing process. Each entry also contains the information about the Java class and method that correspond to the JAX-RS Resource Method, giving extensions access to the entire set of metadata thus allowing them to build additionally build-time functionality.

List entries

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ServerSerialisers serialisers

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List resourceClasses

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List subResourceClasses

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AdditionalReaders additionalReaders

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AdditionalWriters additionalWriters

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RESTEasy Reactive - Common

Class Name Attributes
ApplicationScanningResult result

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Represents the index that is going to be used to look up JAX-RS Resources. This index contains both code that is present on disk at build time, and code that is generated by other extensions.

IndexView indexView

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Set classNames

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ResourceInterceptors resourceInterceptors

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Consumer buildTask

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ResourceScanningResult result

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Enable the registration of additional default produces handlers for server endpoints

DefaultProducesHandler defaultProducesHandler

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RESTEasy Reactive - Common Jackson Bits

Class Name Attributes

A BuildItem to mark that the server side jackson provider is defined. If not "emitted" by any of the processors, the reactive rest client (if used) will add its own jackson provider


RESTEasy Reactive - Jackson

Class Name Attributes

Contains the special Jackson features required by the application

Feature feature

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Used to pass info about a JAX-RS resource method that needs to perform custom serialization

MethodInfo methodInfo

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ClassInfo declaringClassInfo

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Class customSerializationProvider

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RESTEasy Reactive - Server - SPI

Class Name Attributes

Make it possible to add, remove or alter annotations on various components. The provided transformer uses to limit the scope of transformer to classes, fields, methods, method params or a combination of those. These metadata changes are not stored in Jandex directly (Jandex is immutable) but instead in an abstraction layer. Users/extensions can access to view the updated annotation model. NOTE: Extensions that operate purely on Jandex index analysis won't be able to see any changes made via !

AnnotationsTransformer transformer

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Register types that should be available for injection into JAX-RS methods via

DotName type

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Build time that allows extensions to register a way to provide a value for configuration that is provided at runtime and that is needed by implementations of . Extensions are meant to create these build items by passing the configuration class as the first constructor argument, and using a recorder to return a that will provide a value of that class as the second argument constructor. Ideally we would have used generic to make things more type safe, but generics cannot be used in build items.

Class configClass

The runtime configuration class

Supplier valueSupplier

A supplier of the runtime value of the configuration class. This supplier is meant to be provided by a recorder

MethodScanner methodScanner

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Register a type as non-blocking by default when used as a return type of JAX-RS Resource

DotName type

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A build item that allows extension to define a that runs write before RESTEasy Reactive attempt to do exception mapping according to the JAX-RS spec. This is only meant to be used in very advanced use cases.

ServerRestHandler handler

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int priority

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A marker build item which extensions can generate when they want to force RESTEasy Reactive to not reply with 404 when it does not handle the path and instead just pass control onto the next Vert.x handler



If an extension generates this, then Quarkus will make JAX-RS Resources beans as well



When an Exception of this type is thrown and no exists, then RESTEasy Reactive will attempt to locate an for the cause of the Exception.

Class throwableClass

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RESTEasy Reactive - SPI

Class Name Attributes
String className

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Integer priority

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boolean registerAsBean

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Set nameBindingNames

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Can be used by extensions that want to make classes not annotated with JAX-RS part of the ResourceClass scanning process. This will likely be used in conjunction with

ClassInfo classInfo

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String path

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boolean preMatching

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boolean nonBlockingRequired

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boolean withFormRead

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MethodInfo filterSourceMethod

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MethodInfo filterSourceMethod

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String className

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String providedType

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List mediaTypes

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boolean registerAsBean

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Build item used to register classes that are annotated with

String className

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Build item used to register classes that are annotated with

String className

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Build item used to register classes that are annotated with

String className

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String className

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boolean registerAsBean

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String className

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Integer priority

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String handledExceptionName

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boolean registerAsBean

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ClassInfo declaringClass

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Represents a JAX-RS resource that is generated. Meant to be used by extension that generate JAX-RS resources as part of their build time processing

String name

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byte[] data

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String className

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boolean registerAsBean

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String className

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String handledClassName

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List mediaTypeStrings

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RuntimeType runtimeType

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boolean builtin

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Integer priority

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String className

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MessageBodyReaderWriterOverrideData overrideData

No Javadoc found

String className

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String handledClassName

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List mediaTypeStrings

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RuntimeType runtimeType

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boolean builtin

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Integer priority

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String className

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MessageBodyReaderWriterOverrideData overrideData

No Javadoc found

String className

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int priority

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boolean registerAsBean

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RESTEasy Reactive’s REST Client

Class Name Attributes

A Build Item that is used to register annotations that are used by the client to register services into the client context.

DotName annotation

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Class expectedReturnType

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A Build Item that is used to capture the information of usages equivalent to . The use of the build item facilitates support for use cases that need to have the same effect as , but that don't actually use the annotation.

String targetClass

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AnnotationInstance annotationInstance

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RESTEasy Reactive’s REST Client - SPI

Class Name Attributes

Make it possible to add, remove or alter annotations on various components. The provided transformer uses to limit the scope of transformer to classes, fields, methods, method params or a combination of those. These metadata changes are not stored in Jandex directly (Jandex is immutable) but instead in an abstraction layer. Users/extensions can access to view the updated annotation model. NOTE: Extensions that operate purely on Jandex index analysis won't be able to see any changes made via !

AnnotationsTransformer transformer

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Class Name Attributes

Used as an integration point when extensions need to customize the security behavior of a bean The ResultHandle that is returned by function needs to be an instance of SecurityCheck

MethodInfo methodInfo

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SecurityCheck securityCheck

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boolean inFipsMode

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boolean inFipsMode

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Marker build item that is used to indicate that there are s whose roles contains config expressions that should be resolved at runtime.


Metadata for the names of JCA to register for reflection

String providerName

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String providerConfig

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Security - SPI

Class Name Attributes

Contains classes that need to have @DenyAll on all methods that don't have security annotations

Collection additionalSecuredClasses

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Optional rolesAllowed

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Contains methods that need to have or .

Collection additionalSecuredMethods

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Optional rolesAllowed

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Provides a way to transform roles allowed specified as configuration expressions in annotations to runtime configuration values.

String roleConfigExpr

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BiConsumer configValueRecorder

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Security Jakarta Persistence - Common

Class Name Attributes

This build items holds common for reactive and classic Jakarta Persistence Security.

JpaSecurityDefinition jpaSecurityDefinition

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Build item to evaluate whether the class is a Panache model class.

Set modelClasses

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SmallRye Context Propagation - SPI

Class Name Attributes
Class provider

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SmallRye Fault Tolerance

Class Name Attributes
int guardedMethods

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SmallRye GraphQL Client

Class Name Attributes

This marks that the SmallRye GraphQL Client configurations have been processed and initialized.


SmallRye Health - SPI

Class Name Attributes
String healthCheckClass

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boolean enabled

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SmallRye OpenAPI

Class Name Attributes
FilteredIndexView index

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SmallRye OpenAPI - SPI

Class Name Attributes
OASFilter filter

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Ignore a static OpenAPI document included in extension and/or dependencies. Supports regular expressions.

Pattern urlIgnorePattern

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The final OpenAPI Document as generated by the Extension.

OpenApiDocument openApiDocument

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SmallRye Reactive Messaging

Class Name Attributes

Represents an application channel. These channels can be declared using , or injected , and .

String name

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ChannelDirection direction

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String connector

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Represents a reactive messaging connector. It contains the name (like ), the direction (incoming or outgoing), and the list of connector attributes (mainly for documentation and tooling purpose).

String name

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ChannelDirection direction

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List attributes

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String name

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String connector

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ChannelDirection direction

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String name

The name of the channel.

String name

The name of the stream the emitter is connected to.

String overflow

The name of the overflow strategy. Valid values are . If not set, it uses with a default buffer size.

int bufferSize

The buffer size, used when is set to . Not that if is set to and is not set, an unbounded buffer is used.

boolean hasBroadcast

Whether the emitter uses the annotation.

String emitterType

The emitter type

int awaitSubscribers

If the emitter uses the annotation, indicates the number of subscribers to be expected before subscribing upstream.


Represents a method annotated with or / and .

BeanInfo bean

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MethodInfo method

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Represents an outbound channel without downstream or an inbound channel without upstream. In other words, this class represents channels that should be managed by connectors.

String name

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ChannelDirection direction

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Spring - DI

Class Name Attributes

The purpose of this bean is to map the names of the Spring Beans to their associated DotName This info is needed when trying to convert SpEL expressions that reference beans by name, to bytecode

Map map

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Spring - Scheduling

Class Name Attributes

Build Item recording all the methods that have been effectively annotated with

Map methodToInstanceMap

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Spring Security

Class Name Attributes

Build Item recording all the methods that have been effectively annotated with

Map methodToInstanceMap

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Swagger UI

Class Name Attributes
String swaggerUiFinalDestination

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String swaggerUiPath

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Undertow - SPI

Class Name Attributes
String name

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String filterClass

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int loadOnStartup

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boolean asyncSupported

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List mappings

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InstanceFactory instanceFactory

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Map initParams

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A generated static resource that will be served by the web container This is automatically registered in native mode

String name

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byte[] classData

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HandlerWrapper value

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String sciClass

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Set knownFiles

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Set knownDirectories

No Javadoc found

String listenerClass

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String name

No Javadoc found

String servletClass

No Javadoc found

int loadOnStartup

No Javadoc found

boolean asyncSupported

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List mappings

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InstanceFactory instanceFactory

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Map initParams

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MultipartConfigElement multipartConfig

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String sciClass

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Set handlesTypes

No Javadoc found

String key

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Object value

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String servletContextPath

No Javadoc found

DeploymentManager deploymentManager

No Javadoc found

ServletExtension value

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String key

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String value

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RuntimeValue undertow

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WebMetaData webMetaData

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Class Name Attributes
Supplier vertx

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A build item that can be used to retrieve the number of events loops that have been configured/calculated

Supplier eventLoopCount

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Carries all types for which the should be selected automatically.

Set types

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String type

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String codec

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Marker build item used to force the re-initialization of Vert.x JSON handling in native-image


RuntimeValue vertx

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Provide a consumer of VertxOptions to allow customization of Vert.x system behavior, e.g. setting MetricsOptions to enable and configure a metrics provider.

Consumers will be called in priority order (lowest to highest) after VertxConfiguration has been read and applied.

Consumer optionsConsumer

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int priority

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Vert.x - HTTP

Class Name Attributes
Handler handler

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Write javascript file containing const vars with build time data

Map buildTimeData

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A build item that represents a handler for the default route

Consumer route

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All the routes needed for Dev UI

String namespace

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String contextRoot

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String finalDestination

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List webRootConfigurations

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GACT artifactKey

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String path

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Bears collected security interceptors per method candidate. Methods are candidates because not each of them must be finally resolved to endpoint and invoked.

This build item should be consumed by every extension that run s before CDI interceptors when proactive auth is disabled.

List methodCandidates

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Map methodCandidateToSecurityInterceptor

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Vert.X route handlers run before REST layer can't determine which endpoint is going to be invoked, what are endpoint annotations etc. Therefore, security setting that requires knowledge of invoked method (initial intention is to provide this with RESTEasy Reactive resources, however the principle is applicable to other stacks as well) and needs to be run prior to any security check should use this build item. The build item is only required for stacks that do not run security checks via CDI interceptors, as there, you can simply use interceptor with higher priority.

MethodInfo methodInfo

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RuntimeValue descriptionRuntimeValue

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Consumer securityInterceptor

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List activeExtensions

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List inactiveExtensions

No Javadoc found

List sectionMenuExtensions

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List footerTabsExtensions

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A handler that is applied to every route

Handler handler

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int priority

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boolean isFailureHandler

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URI rootPath

Normalized from quarkus.http.root-path. This path will always end in a slash


Used internally to define some of our own imports

Map importMap

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Used internally to define some of our own pages

String namespaceLabel

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int position

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List pages

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Map buildTimeData

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Simple holder for all discovered Json RPC Methods

Map extensionMethodsMap

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A handler that is applied to the management interface route

Handler handler

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int priority

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All mvnpm jars used by Dev UI

Set mvnpmJars

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URI httpRootPath

Normalized of quarkus.http.root-path. Must end in a slash

URI nonApplicationRootPath

Normalized from quarkus.http.non-application-root-path

URI managementRootPath

Normalized from

boolean dedicatedRouterRequired

Non-Application root path is distinct from HTTP root path.

boolean attachedToMainRouter

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String endpoint

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String description

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boolean absolutePath

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This is a marker that indicates that the body handler should be installed on all routes, as an extension requires the request to be fully buffered.



Marker class to turn on virtual http channel

boolean alwaysVirtual

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boolean management

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Function routeFunction

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Handler handler

No Javadoc found

HandlerType type

No Javadoc found

RouteType routeType

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RouteType routerType

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NotFoundPageDisplayableEndpointBuildItem notFoundPageDisplayableEndpoint

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ConfiguredPathInfo configuredPathInfo

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RouteDescription description

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Contains information on the security model used in the application

SecurityModel securityModel

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Optional openIDConnectInformation

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Set themeVars

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String defaultValue

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RuntimeValue httpRouter

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RuntimeValue mainRouter

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RuntimeValue frameworkRouter

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RuntimeValue mutinyRouter

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RuntimeValue managementRouter

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GACT artifactKey

ArtifactKey pointing to the web jar. Has to be one of the applications dependencies.

String root

Root inside the webJar starting from which resources are unpacked.

boolean onlyCopyNonArtifactFiles

Only copy resources of the webjar which are either user overridden, or contain variables.

boolean useDefaultQuarkusBranding

Defines whether Quarkus can override resources of the webjar with Quarkus internal files.

WebJarResourcesFilter filter

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Holds the complete result after applying every .

Map results

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String websocketSubProtocols

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Vert.x - HTTP - Dev UI SPI

Class Name Attributes

For All DEV UI Build Item, we need to distinguish between the extensions, and the internal usage of Dev UI

Class callerClass

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String extensionIdentifier

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String customIdentifier

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Any of card, menu or footer pages

Map buildTimeData

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List pageBuilders

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Add a page (or section) to the Dev UI. This is typically the middle part of the screen. This will also add links to this pages

Optional optionalCard

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Add a footer tab to the Dev UI.



This allows you to register a class that will provide data during runtime for JsonRPC Requests

Class jsonRPCMethodProviderClass

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DotName defaultBeanScope

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Add a menu (or section) to the Dev UI.



Contains info on the build time template used to build static content for Dev UI All files are relative to dev-ui-templates/build-time/{extensionName (in src/main/resources) This contain the fileName to the template, and the template data (variables) This allows extensions developers to add "static files" that they generate with Qute at build time. From a runtime p.o.v this is file served from "disk"

List templateDatas

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Static Content generated at build time This is used to generate components that will be available in Dev UI, but generated during build. This contains the final content (no more generation) and will be served as is

List content

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Vert.x - HTTP - SPI

Class Name Attributes

Meant to be used by extensions that generate resource into . These resources cannot be picked up automatically by the standard Static resources handling because when the check is made, these resources don't exist yet on the file system. The value of should be prefixed with and is assumed to be a path under .

String path

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boolean isDirectory

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List endpoints

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Set entries

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Marker build item indicating that the application uses a separate interface:port for the management endpoints such as metrics, health and prometheus.


WebJar Locator

Class Name Attributes
List webJarLibraries

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WebSockets Client

Class Name Attributes
String className

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boolean client

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RuntimeValue container

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ServerWebSocketContainerFactory factory

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RuntimeValue info

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