Azure Functions

The quarkus-azure-functions extension is a simple integration point between Azure Functions and Quarkus. It interacts with Azure Functions runtime to bootstrap quarkus and turns any Azure Functions class you write into a CDI/Arc bean.

This allows you to inject any service or component initialized by quarkus directly into your function classes. You can also change the lifecycle of your function class from request scoped (the default) to application scope too if you want your function class to be a singleton.


import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import java.util.Optional;

public class Function {
    GreetingService service;

    public HttpResponseMessage run(
                name = "req",
                methods = {HttpMethod.GET, HttpMethod.POST},
                authLevel = AuthorizationLevel.ANONYMOUS)
                HttpRequestMessage<Optional<String>> request,
            final ExecutionContext context) {

        // Parse query parameter
        final String query = request.getQueryParameters().get("name");
        final String name = request.getBody().orElse(query);

        if (name == null) {
            return request.createResponseBuilder(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST).body("Please pass a name on the query string or in the request body").build();
        } else {
            return request.createResponseBuilder(HttpStatus.OK).body(service.greeting(name)).build();

This technology is considered preview.

For a full list of possible statuses, check our FAQ entry.




This guide walks you through running a maven project that can deploy an Http Trigger Azure Function class. This function class injects a CDI bean service that generates a greeting message that is passed back to the client.

Creating the Maven/Gradle Project

You can generate the example code from Quarkus’s online application generator at this link.

You can also generate this example with the Quarkus CLI:

quarkus create app --extension=quarkus-azure-functions

Add the --gradle switch if you want to generate a gradle project.

Examining the project

If you open the pom.xml or build.gradle build file of the generated project you’ll see that the project is similar to any other Quarkus project. The quarkus-azure-functions extension is the integration point between Quarkus and Azure Functions. It registers callback with the Azure Functions runtime to bootstrap Quarkus and to set up Quarkus/Arc as the function factory for your function classes.

The current implementation of the quarkus-azure-functions extension no longer requires the azure-functions-maven-plugin or gradle equivalent. Local development and Azure Functions packaging and deployment is now all done by Quarkus.

Build configuration is now all within The only required configuration switch is

Azure Deployment Descriptors

The Azure Functions host.json deployment descriptor is automatically generated, but if you need to override it, declare it in the root directory of the project and rerun the build when you are ready.

Quarkus dev mode

Quarkus dev mode does not work currently with Azure Functions.

Run locally in Azure Functions local environment

If you want to try your app with a local Azure Functions environment, you can use this command

./mvnw quarkus:run


./gradlew --info --no-daemon quarkusRun

Gradle is a bit quirky with process management, so you need the --no-daemon switch or control-c will not destroy the process cleanly and you’ll have open ports.

Note that you must have the Azure Functions Core Tools installed for this to work!

The URL to access the example would be:

Quarkus Integration Testing

You can implement integration tests using @QuarkusIntegrationTest functionality. When these integration tests run, the local Azure Functions environment will be spun up for the duration of integration testing.

For maven:

./mvnw -DskipITs=false verify

Make sure any integration tests you execute with maven use the * file pattern so that regular builds do not execute the test.

For Gradle:

./gradlew --info quarkusIntTest

Make sure any integration tests you execute with Gradle are located within src/integrationTest/java. Integration tests that exist in src/test will run with normal build and fail.

Login to Azure

If you don’t log in to Azure you won’t be able to deploy.

az login

Deploy to Azure

The quarkus-azure-functions extension handles all the work to deploy to Azure. By default, Quarkus will use the Azure CLI in the background to authenticate and deploy to Azure. If you have multiple subscriptions associated with your account, you must set the property in your file to the subscription you want to use. For other authentication mechanisms and deployment options see our config properties here.

To run the deploy, after you build your project execute:

./mvnw quarkus:deploy


./gradlew --info deploy

If deployment is a success, Quarkus will output the endpoint URL of the example function to the console For Gradle, you must use the --info switch to see this output!


[INFO] HTTP Trigger Urls:
[INFO] 	 HttpExample : https://{appName}

The URL to access the service would be

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