Management interface reference
By default, Quarkus exposes the management endpoints under /q
on the
main HTTP server. The same HTTP server provides the application endpoints
and the management endpoints.
This document presents how you can use a separate HTTP server (bound to a different network interface and port) for the management endpoints. It avoids exposing these endpoints on the main server and, therefore, prevents undesired accesses.
1. Enabling the management interface
To enable the management interface, use the following build-time property:
By default, management endpoints will be exposed on:
. For example, if you have smallrye-health
installed, the readiness probe will be exposed at
SmallRye Health Checks, SmallRye Metrics, Micrometer and Info endpoints will be declared as management endpoints when the management interface is enabled.
The management interface is disabled when no extensions relying on it (such as the SmallRye Health or SmallRye OpenAPI extensions) are installed. |
2. Configure the host, port and scheme
By default, the management interface is exposed on the interface:
(all interfaces) and on the port 9000
in test mode). It does not
use TLS (https
) by default.
You can configure the host, ports, and TLS certificates using the following properties:
- the interface / host -
- the port -
- the port to use in test mode -
- the TLS configuration, same as for the main HTTP server.
Here is a configuration example exposing the management interface on https://localhost:9002:
Unlike the main HTTP server, the management interface does not handle http and https at the same time. If https is configured, plain HTTP requests will be rejected. |
3. Configure the root path
Management endpoints are configured differently than standard HTTP
endpoints. They use a unique root path, which is /q
by default. This
management root path can be configured using the property
. For example, if you want to expose
the management endpoints under /management
The mounting rules of the management endpoints slightly differ from the ones used when using the main HTTP server:
Management endpoints configured using a relative path (not starting with
) will be served from the configured root path. For example, if the endpoint path ishealth
and the root path ismanagement
, the resulting path is/management/health
Management endpoints configured using an absolute path (starting with
) will be served from the root. For example, if the endpoint path is/health
, the resulting path is/health
, regardless of the root path -
The management interface does not use the HTTP root path from the main HTTP server.
The |
4. Create a management endpoint in an extension
To expose an endpoint on the management interface from the code of an application, refer to the application section. |
SmallRye Health Checks, SmallRye Metrics, and Micrometer endpoints will be declared as management endpoints when the management interface is enabled.
if you do not enable the management interface, these endpoints will be
served using the main HTTP server (under /q by default).
Extensions can create a management endpoint by defining a non application
route and calling management()
void createManagementRoute(BuildProducer<RouteBuildItem> routes,
NonApplicationRootPathBuildItem nonApplicationRootPathBuildItem,
MyRecorder recorder) {
.management() // Must be called BEFORE the routeFunction method
.routeFunction("my-path", recorder.route())
If the management interface is enabled, the endpoint will be exposed on:
. Otherwise, it will be exposed on:
Management endpoints can only be declared by extensions and not from the application code. |
5. Exposing an endpoint on the management interface (as an application)
You can expose endpoints on the management interface by registering routes on the management router. To access the router use the following code:
public void registerManagementRoutes(@Observes ManagementInterface mi) {
mi.router().get("/admin").handler(rc ->
rc.response().end("admin it is")
The io.quarkus.vertx.http.ManagementInterface
event is fired when the
management interface is initialized. So, if the management interface is not
enabled, the method won’t be called.
The router()
method returns a io.vertx.ext.web.Router
object which can
be used to register routes. The paths are relative to /
. For example,
the previous snippet registers a route on /admin
. This route is
accessible on
, if you use the default host and
More details about the Router
API can be found on
the Vert.x Web documentation.
6. Management Interface Configuration
Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime
Type |
Default |
Enables / Disables the usage of a separate interface/port to expose the management endpoints. If sets to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If basic auth should be enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If this is true and credentials are present then a user will always be authenticated before the request progresses. If this is false then an attempt will only be made to authenticate the user if a permission check is performed or the current user is required for some other reason. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configures the engine to require/request client authentication. NONE, REQUEST, REQUIRED Environment variable: Show more |
A common root path for management endpoints. Various extension-provided management endpoints such as metrics and health are deployed under this path by default. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If responses should be compressed. Note that this will attempt to compress all responses, to avoid compressing already compressed content (such as images) you need to set the following header: Content-Encoding: identity Which will tell vert.x not to compress the response. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When enabled, vert.x will decompress the request’s body if it’s compressed. Note that the compression format (e.g., gzip) must be specified in the Content-Encoding header in the request. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The compression level used when compression support is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime
Type |
Default |
int |
The HTTP port Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The HTTP host Defaults to Defaulting to makes it easier to deploy Quarkus to container, however it is not suitable for dev/test mode as other people on the network can connect to your development machine. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enable listening to host:port Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The credentials provider bean name. This is a bean name (as in For Vault, the credentials provider bean name is Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The list of path to server certificates using the PEM format. Specifying multiple files requires SNI to be enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
list of path |
The list of path to server certificates private key files using the PEM format. Specifying multiple files requires SNI to be enabled. The order of the key files must match the order of the certificates. Environment variable: Show more |
list of path |
An optional key store that holds the certificate information instead of specifying separate files. Environment variable: Show more |
path |
An optional parameter to specify the type of the key store file. If not given, the type is automatically detected based on the file name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An optional parameter to specify a provider of the key store file. If not given, the provider is automatically detected based on the key store file type. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify the password of the key store file. If not given, and if it can not be retrieved from Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify a Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An optional parameter to select a specific key in the key store. When SNI is disabled, and the key store contains multiple keys and no alias is specified; the behavior is undefined. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An optional parameter to define the password for the key, in case it is different from Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify a Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An optional trust store that holds the certificate information of the trusted certificates. Environment variable: Show more |
path |
An optional parameter to specify the type of the trust store file. If not given, the type is automatically detected based on the file name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An optional parameter to specify a provider of the trust store file. If not given, the provider is automatically detected based on the trust store file type. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify the password of the trust store file. If not given, it might be retrieved from Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify a Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An optional parameter to trust a single certificate from the trust store rather than trusting all certificates in the store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The cipher suites to use. If none is given, a reasonable default is selected. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Sets the ordered list of enabled SSL/TLS protocols. If not set, it defaults to Note that setting an empty list, and enabling SSL/TLS is invalid. You must at least have one protocol. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Enables Server Name Indication (SNI), an TLS extension allowing the server to use multiple certificates. The client indicate the server name during the TLS handshake, allowing the server to select the right certificate. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The maximum length of all headers. Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum size of a request body. Environment variable: Show more |
The max HTTP chunk size Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum length of the initial line (e.g. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum length of a form attribute. Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum number of connections that are allowed at any one time. If this is set it is recommended to set a short idle timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE HTTP/2 setting. Allows the sender to inform the remote endpoint of the maximum size of the header compression table used to decode header blocks, in octets. The encoder can select any size equal to or less than this value by using signaling specific to the header compression format inside a header block. The initial value is Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Set SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS HTTP/2 setting. Indicates the maximum number of concurrent streams that the sender will allow. This limit is directional: it applies to the number of streams that the sender permits the receiver to create. Initially, there is no limit to this value. It is recommended that this value be no smaller than 100, to not unnecessarily limit parallelism. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Set the SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE HTTP/2 setting. Indicates the size of the largest frame payload that the sender is willing to receive, in octets. The initial value is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE HTTP/2 setting. This advisory setting informs a peer of the maximum size of header list that the sender is prepared to accept, in octets. The value is based on the uncompressed size of header fields, including the length of the name and value in octets plus an overhead of 32 octets for each header field. The default value is Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Set the max number of RST frame allowed per time window, this is used to prevent HTTP/2 RST frame flood DDOS attacks. The default value is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the duration of the time window when checking the max number of RST frames, this is used to prevent HTTP/2 RST frame flood DDOS attacks.. The default value is Environment variable: Show more |
Http connection idle timeout Environment variable: Show more |
Whether the files sent using If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The directory where the files sent using Either an absolute path or a path relative to the current directory of the application process. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the form attributes should be added to the request parameters. If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether the uploaded files should be removed after serving the request. If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether the body buffer should pre-allocated based on the If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
A comma-separated list of Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The accept backlog, this is how many connections can be waiting to be accepted before connections start being rejected Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Path to a unix domain socket Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enable listening to host:port Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set whether the server should use the HA Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If this is true then the address, scheme etc. will be set from headers forwarded by the proxy server, such as Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If this is true and proxy address forwarding is enabled then the standard Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If either this or Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable override the received request’s host through a forwarded host header. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configure the forwarded host header to be used if override enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enable prefix the received request’s path with a forwarded prefix header. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configure the forwarded prefix header to be used if prefixing enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configure the list of trusted proxy addresses. Received Examples of a socket address in the form of
Examples of a CIDR notation:
Please bear in mind that IPv4 CIDR won’t match request sent from the IPv6 address and the other way around. Environment variable: Show more |
list of TrustedProxyCheckPart |
Determines whether the entire permission set is enabled, or not. By default, if the permission set is defined, it is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The HTTP policy that this permission set is linked to. There are 3 built in policies: permit, deny and authenticated. Role based policies can be defined, and extensions can add their own policies. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The methods that this permission set applies to. If this is not set then they apply to all methods. Note that if a request matches any path from any permission set, but does not match the constraint due to the method not being listed then the request will be denied. Method specific permissions take precedence over matches that do not have any methods set. This means that for example if Quarkus is configured to allow GET and POST requests to /admin to and no other permissions are configured PUT requests to /admin will be denied. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The paths that this permission check applies to. If the path ends in /* then this is treated as a path prefix, otherwise it is treated as an exact match. Matches are done on a length basis, so the most specific path match takes precedence. If multiple permission sets match the same path then explicit methods matches take precedence over matches without methods set, otherwise the most restrictive permissions are applied. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Path specific authentication mechanism which must be used to authenticate a user. It needs to match Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The roles that are allowed to access resources protected by this policy. By default, access is allowed to any authenticated user. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Permissions granted to the Environment variable: Show more |
Permissions granted by this policy will be created with a Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path this header should be applied Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The value for this header configuration Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The HTTP methods for this header configuration Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
A regular expression for the paths matching this configuration Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Additional HTTP Headers always sent in the response Environment variable: Show more |
The HTTP methods for this path configuration Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Environment variable: |
int |
About the Duration format
To write duration values, use the standard You can also use a simplified format, starting with a number:
In other cases, the simplified format is translated to the
About the MemorySize format
A size configuration option recognises string in this format (shown as a
regular expression): |
7. Running behind a reverse proxy
Quarkus can be accessed through proxies that generate headers
(e.g. X-Forwarded-Host
) to preserve information about the original
request. Quarkus can be configured to automatically update information like
protocol, host, port and URI to use the values from those headers.
Activating this feature can expose the server to security issues like information spoofing. Activate it only when running behind a reverse proxy. |
To set up this feature for the management interface, include the following
lines in src/main/resources/
To constrain this behavior to the standard Forwarded
header (and ignore
variants) by setting
Alternatively, you can prefer X-Forwarded-*
headers using the following
configuration in src/main/resources/
instead of allow-forwarded
Supported forwarding address headers are:
If both header variants (Forwarded
and X-Forwarded-*
) are enabled, the
header will have precedence.
Using both Forwarded and X-Forwarded headers can have security
implications as it may allow clients to forge requests with a header that is
not overwritten by the proxy.
Ensure that your proxy is configured to strip unexpected Forwarded
headers from the client request.
8. Kubernetes
When Quarkus generates the Kubernetes metadata, it checks if the management
interface is enabled and configures the probes accordingly. The resulting
descriptor defines the main HTTP port (named http
) and the management port
(named management
). Health probes (using HTTP actions) and Prometheus
scrape URLs are configured using the management
Until KNative#8471 is resolved, you cannot use the management interface, as KNative does not support containers will multiple exposed ports. |
9. Security
You can enable basic authentication using the following properties:
# Enable basic authentication
# Require all access to /q/* to be authenticated*
You can also use different permissions for different paths or use role bindings:
# Enable basic authentication
# Configure a management policy if needed, here the policy `management-policy` requires users to have the role `management`.
# For each endpoint you can configure the permissions
# Health used the management-policy (so requires authentication + the `management` role)*
# Metrics just requires authentication*
More details about Basic authentication in Quarkus can be found in the Basic authentication guide.