Measuring Performance
This guide covers:
how we measure memory usage
how we measure startup time
which additional flags will Quarkus apply to native-image by default
All of our tests are run on the same hardware for a given batch. It goes without saying, but it’s better when you say it.
How do we measure memory usage
When measuring the footprint of a Quarkus application, we measure
Resident Set Size (RSS) and
not the JVM heap size which is only a small part of the overall problem.
The JVM not only allocates native memory for heap (-Xms
, -Xmx
) but also
structures required by the jvm to run your application. Depending on the JVM
implementation, the total memory allocated for an application will include,
but not limited to:
Heap space
Class metadata
Thread stacks
Compiled code
Garbage collection
Native Memory Tracking
In order to view the native memory used by the JVM, you can enable the Native Memory Tracking (NMT) feature in hotspot;
Enable NMT on the command line;
-XX:NativeMemoryTracking=[off | summary | detail] (1)
1 | NOTE: this feature will add a 5-10% performance overhead |
It is then possible to use jcmd to dump a report of the native memory usage of the Hotspot JVM running your application;
jcmd <pid> VM.native_memory [summary | detail | baseline | summary.diff | detail.diff | shutdown] [scale= KB | MB | GB]
Cloud Native Memory Limits
It is important to measure the whole memory to see the impact of a Cloud Native application. It is particularly true of container environments which will kill a process based on its full RSS memory usage.
Likewise, don’t fall into the trap of only measuring private memory which is what the process uses that is not shareable with other processes. While private memory might be useful in an environment deploying many different applications (and thus sharing memory a lot), it is very misleading in environments like Kubernetes/OpenShift.
Measuring Memory Correctly on Docker
In order to measure memory correctly DO NOT use docker stat or anything derived from it (e.g. ctop). This approach only measures a subset of the in-use resident pages, while the Linux Kernel, cgroups and cloud orchestration providers will utilize the full resident set in their accounting (determining whether a process is over the limits and should be killed).
To measure accurately, a similar set of steps for measuring RSS on Linux
should be performed. The docker top
command allows running a ps
on the container host machine against the processes in the container
instance. By utilizing this in combination with formatting output
parameters, the rss value can be returned:
docker top <CONTAINER ID> -o pid,rss,args
For example:
$ docker top $(docker ps -q --filter ancestor=quarkus/myapp) -o pid,rss,args
2531 27m ./application
Alternatively, one can jump directly into a privileged shell (root on the
host), and execute a ps
command directly:
$ docker run -it --rm --privileged --pid=host justincormack/nsenter1 /bin/ps -e -o pid,rss,args | grep application
2531 27m ./application
If you happen to be running on Linux, you can execute the ps
directly, since your shell is the same as the container host:
ps -e -o pid,rss,args | grep application
Platform Specific Memory Reporting
In order to not incur the performance overhead of running with NVM enabled, we measure the total RSS of an JVM application using tools specific to each platform.
$ ps -o pid,rss,command -p <pid>
11229 12628 ./target/getting-started-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-runner
$ pmap -x <pid>
13150: /data/quarkus-application -Xmx100m -Xmn70m
Address Kbytes RSS Dirty Mode Mapping
0000000000400000 55652 30592 0 r-x-- quarkus-application
0000000003c58000 4 4 4 r-x-- quarkus-application
0000000003c59000 5192 4628 748 rwx-- quarkus-application
00000000054c0000 912 156 156 rwx-- [ anon ]
00007fcd13400000 1024 1024 1024 rwx-- [ anon ]
00007fcd13952000 8 4 0 r-x--
---------------- ------- ------- -------
total kB 9726508 256092 220900
Each Memory region that has been allocated for the process is listed;
Address: Start address of virtual address space
Kbytes: Size (kilobytes) of virtual address space reserved for region
RSS: Resident set size (kilobytes). This is the measure of how much memory space is actually being used
Dirty: dirty pages (both shared and private) in kilobytes
Mode: Access mode for memory region
Mapping: Includes application regions and Shared Object (.so) mappings for process
The Total RSS (kB) line reports the total native memory the process is using.
- macOS
On macOS, you can use
ps x -o pid,rss,command -p <PID>
which list the RSS for a given process in KB (1024 bytes).
$ ps x -o pid,rss,command -p 57160
57160 288548 /Applications/IntelliJ IDEA
Which means IntelliJ IDEA consumes 281,8 MB of resident memory.
How do we measure startup time
Some frameworks use aggressive lazy initialization techniques. It is important to measure the startup time to first request to most accurately reflect how long a framework needs to start. Otherwise, you will miss the time the framework actually takes to initialize.
Here is how we measure startup time in our tests.
We create a sample application that logs timestamps for certain points in the application lifecycle.
public class GreetingEndpoint {
private static final String template = "Hello, %s!";
public Greeting greeting(@QueryParam("name") String name) {
System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS").format(new java.util.Date(System.currentTimeMillis())));
String suffix = name != null ? name : "World";
return new Greeting(String.format(template, suffix));
void onStart(@Observes StartupEvent startup) {
System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS").format(new Date()));
We start looping in a shell, sending requests to the rest endpoint of the sample application we are testing.
$ while [[ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w ''%{http_code}'' localhost:8080/api/greeting)" != "200" ]]; do sleep .00001; done
In a separate terminal, we start the timing application that we are testing, printing the time the application starts
$ date +"%T.%3N" && ./target/quarkus-timing-runner
2019-04-05 10:57:32,512 INFO [io.quarkus] (main) Quarkus 0.11.0 started in 0.002s. Listening on:
2019-04-05 10:57:32,512 INFO [io.quarkus] (main) Installed features: [cdi, resteasy-reactive, resteasy-reactive-jackson]
The difference between the final timestamp and the first timestamp is the total startup time for the application to serve the first request.
Additional flags applied by Quarkus
When Quarkus invokes GraalVM native-image
it will apply some additional
flags by default.
You might want to know about the following ones in case you’re comparing performance properties with other builds.
Disable fallback images
Fallback native images are a feature of GraalVM to "fall back" to run your application in the normal JVM, should the compilation to native code fail for some reason.
Quarkus disables this feature by setting -H:FallbackThreshold=0
: this will
ensure you get a compilation failure rather risking to not notice that the
application is unable to really run in native mode.
If you instead want to just run in Java mode, that’s totally possible: just skip the native-image build and run it as a jar.
Disable Isolates
Isolates are a neat feature of GraalVM, but Quarkus isn’t using them at this stage.
Disable via -H:-SpawnIsolates
Disable auto-registration of all Service Loader implementations
Quarkus extensions can automatically pick the right services they need, while GraalVM’s native-image defaults to include all services it’s able to find on the classpath.
We prefer listing services explicitly as it produces better optimised
binaries. Disable it as well by setting -H:-UseServiceLoaderFeature
Others …
This section is provided as high level guidance, but can’t presume to be comprehensive as some flags are controlled dynamically by the extensions, the platform you’re building on, configuration details, your code and possibly a combination of these.
Generally speaking the ones listed here are those most likely to affect performance metrics, but in the right circumstances one could observe non-negligible impact from the other flags too.
If you’re to investigate some differences in detail make sure to check what Quarkus is invoking exactly: when the build plugin is producing a native image, the full command lines are logged.